The more recipients your message reaches, the better. Marketing automation helps you to promote referrals in social media.

By recipients recommending your content via social media you can extend your reach beyond your own distribution list and largely free of charge. Furthermore, recommendations from friends seem more authentic than messages from companies. Marketing automation helps you to promote referrals in social media as well.

An example for recommendations via social media

In the example, an appeal for donations is sent by email. SWYN buttons are integrated into the email. SWYN buttons allow the user to share the call with one click in Facebook, Twitter, Xing, or any other social network. This
works especially well for charitable activities. This way  users can also help to promote activities and present themselves as helpers. But also exciting articles or lucrative offers are gladly shared. The recommendation is automatically recognized and the user receives a thank you email, possibly with an incentive.

Social media recommendation campaign
Social media recommendation campaign