BMW Motorrad is a brand of BMW AG and is represented in numerous countries around the world. For worldwide sales, BMW Motorbike primarily relies on an indirect sales model through independent dealers. This case study illustrates how BMW Motorrad implements a comprehensive and seamless customer experience while ensuring the highest data protection standards against the background of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR).
BMW Motorrad’s authorised dealers are in direct contact to customers and interested parties on site. Their tasks include consulting, offering test drives, carrying out service work and preparing individual offers including financing.However, interested parties usually perceive the various BMW Motorrad touchpoints as one company. They do not distinguish between the manufacturer BMW Motorrad and the legally independent dealers who present themselves with the brand and the products. The challenge is to deliver a consistently high quality and a consistent customer experience that customers expect from a brand like BMW Motorrad. This also includes a seamless transition between online enquiries and the continuation of communication by dealers.In spite of the indirect sales model, many interested parties often first obtain information online about different models, offers, etc. before purchasing a motorcycle. BMW Motorrad determines general course of communication and is therefore often the first point of contact for potential customers who are interested in a motorcycle or suitable accessories online.
For that reason, with the “Request for Contact” form BMW Motorrad has created an easy way to link enquiries from interested parties with the dealer that suits them. Dealers are often embedded in a very granular, e. g. a head office and many small branches, and have varying degrees of connectivity to the central BMW IT infrastructure. One challenge was to ensure that dealers with different requirements and skills were equally involved in the process. The project was implemented with BMW Motorrad and rolled out globally.