Email marketing is a classic in the digital dialog marketing of B2B companies, whether they are suppliers, mechanical engineering specialists or wholesalers. With the highest return on investment of all digital marketing channels, email marketing is an indispensable component in the digital marketing mix of B2B companies.

In B2B, personal contact has a major role to play. Whether it is contact with a sales employee before a purchase decision or with a customer consultant/service employee/etc. in an already established customer relationship. This applies in particular to business models involving complex products and services that require explanation. In many B2B business models, for instance in consulting, personal contact is in fact the central component of the business relationship.

This personal contact is also important in email marketing, even if the emails sent there are not individually hand-written by a person and sent personally. It is often enough to give the impression of 1-to-1 communication and to be able to establish personal contact if necessary in order to build a closer relationship between the lead/customer and your company.

Therefore, use a personal correspondent, depending on the context perhaps a sales employee, a support employee or, in the case of important messages to decision-makers, someone from top management.

Personal contact with marketing automation

Modern marketing automation solutions allow different people to be listed as senders or contacts with simple personalization functions. The sender address or signature can also be displayed dynamically, so that each contact receives their email from the person responsible for them. In this way, the informations and offers can be given a “face” and your contacts know who to contact for more detailed information. For this purpose, appropriate response options should be built in, through which the user can establish a “real” contact if necessary.

Tip: Enable personal contact with the sender of the email, for instance via an invitation to a “Digital Coffee”. Provide a link to a calendar booking tool such as MS Bookings to make finding an appointment as easy as possible.


Contact details of the sender with button for a “Digital Coffee” request.