Detection of marketing contexts via transactional emails

Use your transactional emails to identify marketing communication contexts. Transactional emails that are sent directly after a transaction (e.g. order confirmations, login confirmations or password reset emails) are usually expected by customers. This is the moment when your customer’s attention to your offers is particularly high. If a customer reacts (e.g. by opening or clicking)…

Triggering of Follow-up campaigns

The communication for a transaction does not have to end after an order confirmation, shipping confirmation and, if applicable, delivery confirmation. Use transactions as triggers for automated follow-up campaigns. This is often the fastest way to turn simple transactions into advanced marketing automation. Some examples are: Satisfaction surveys with the request for recommendation or review…

Recommendations via social media with marketing automation

The more recipients your message reaches, the better. Marketing automation helps you to promote referrals in social media. By recipients recommending your content via social media you can extend your reach beyond your own distribution list and largely free of charge. Furthermore, recommendations from friends seem more authentic than messages from companies. Marketing automation helps…