Strategies for successful customer engagement in digital dialogue marketing

In the world of digital marketing, customer engagement has become a key component for the success of brands. It is no longer just about reaching potential customers, but rather about building and maintaining a relationship with them. It is crucial for marketers to understand the dynamics of customer engagement and develop effective strategies to reach…

IOS17 Update: What will happen to link tracking?

The tracking of personal data on the internet is common worldwide and an important part of marketing measures. However, some companies collect considerably more data than is necessary. Apple now wants to decisively counter this phenomenon and will therefore introduce a new function with iOS 17 that will significantly strengthen data protection. Advertisers might not…

Classic meets mobile: Common advertising measures in mobile marketing channels

Classic or common advertising measures, such as discount promotions, can of course also be distributed in mobile marketing channels. SMS, push notification or mobile messages: these formats are just as suitable as newsletters as e-mails. In our article, we show you how you can cleverly use “classic” advertising measures in mobile channels. Just like email,…

Behavioral patterns in email marketing: 3 examples

Fortunately, most marketers have come to realise that the rational, consciously decisive homo economicus does not exist. People often make decisions, including purchasing decisions, unconsciously and allow themselves to be influenced by factors that actually have nothing to do with the decision. However, this also means that you can influence these decisions with your email…

Marketing automation (almost) without data: 3 scenarios

Marketing automation is firmly linked to the use of personal data. Companies with little or no usable data usually prioritise building their database and postpone the topic of marketing automation. But building the much-discussed 360° customer view is not realistic for many companies. Complexity needs to be reduced. Even simple marketing automation use cases with…