The eye catcher in the inbox: Why a good subject line is important for the open rate

We all know it. Every day we receive countless newsletters and promotional emails with seemingly unbeatable offers. With this flood of information and overflowing inboxes, it is important to stand out from the crowd. Within seconds, recipients decide whether to open your email or not. In many cases, optimising subject lines can therefore have a…

From partnered newsletters to co-sponsoring: 3 tips on how to win opt-ins

There are many ways to generate opt-ins for your email marketing through your own channels. We show you how to win additional opt-ins via partnered newsletters & standalones, co-registration and co-sponsoring.   1. Partnered newsletters & standalones Ads in a wide variety of formats can also be booked in thematically matching newsletters from other companies.…

Error-free newsletters: The complete checklist „Quality Assurance Email Marketing“

Test dispatches in email marketing are made by default. Every mailing is put to the acid test before the actual dispatch, to avoid typing errors, broken links or something similar. Probably every email marketer is familiar to this kind of quality assurance. But is checking the test-mailing sufficient to guarantee the quality of your newsletters?…